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Building Strong Writers with Simple Systems
Introduction to Building Strong Writers with Simple Systems
Welcome and Introduction (8:15)
What You'll Discover in this Course
Setting the Scene for Success
The Power of Habits (11:47)
Why Use Systems (4:12)
How to Teach Independent Writing Time (5:44)
Teaching the Basics
The Two Color Writing System (6:20)
The Perfect Pizza Lunch Paragraph (14:20)
The Simplified Writing Process
Explicit Teaching and Strategies That Work (11:28)
Writing with POWERRR (7:31)
Teaching Self and Peer Editing
Setting Up Your Supplies
The 5 Minute Editing System CUPS (26:16)
The 3 Rs: Review, Revise, and Rewrite (6:43)
Grading the Writing F.A.S.T.
Grading During Conferences (5:35)
Grading with Rubrics (9:33)
Publishing the Writing
No One Writes in a Vacuum
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Takeaways and Next Steps (2:00)
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